EOTAS. education

Are you a parents choosing to de-register their children from school, in favour of teaching them at home?
There are a number of available options , but it's important we as parents explore them in detail to ensure any decisions are well informed. discussing the ins and outs of electively home educating and how it differs to EOTAS (education other than at school).
What we aim to cover:
current school provisions, the trouble it brings and how this differs for children with SEND
Electively Home Educating (EHE) and EOTAS de-register your child and if school forces you to. What options are available to you in terms of home education What is the difference between EHE and EOTAS? having an EHCP and not having an EHCP when looking at EHE or EOTAS Who pays for the education once a child is EHE or EOTAS?
Can you acquire more funding for EHE or EOTAS? If so, how?