Education Other than at School (EOTAS) operates under

Education Otherwise than at School (EOTAS) operates under the Children and Families Act 2014.
EOTAS is made possible by section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014.
Local authorities and councils have the power to consent to a child or young person with SEN being educated somewhere other than a school. While those we are over post-16 institution (typically at home). The key is they must be satisfied that “…it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school or post-16 institution or at such a place”.
What is EOTAS?
EOTAS stands for Education Other than at School and is education provision to meet specific needs of pupils who cannot attend a mainstream or special school. In law, local authorities are responsible for providing these services.
The existence of EOTAS provision is, in part, a response to exclusion from school. This might include formal disciplinary exclusion or a placement as an alternative to exclusion. EOTAS may also be used for reasons of health and safety where groups, such as pregnant young women, are not considered suitable for mainstream school education.
Children and young people in EOTAS and in particular in Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) (see our Information Sheet on PRU’s), can be some of the most vulnerable learners. They can frequently experience family breakdown and mental health issues and can come from homes where there is substance misuse or domestic violence (not in all cases), therefore it is no surprise that these children and young people find themselves in negative patterns of behaviour which impacts on their learning.
The Education Act 2002 and the Education and Skills Measure 2009 provide governing bodies with the power to commission external services. This power can be extended to services of an educational nature. The provisions in law are intended to enable governing bodies to fulfil their responsibilities with regard to 14-19 Learning Pathways. These services should only be used where the school is unable to meet the curricular needs of the learner, i.e. by providing vocational or specialist subjects.
Section I: The LA will not name an “appropriate” school or a type of School in Section I where it has been decided a child should have education otherwise than at school because it has already been decided that it would be inappropriate for the provision in the EHCP to be made at a school. (The home address of the child or young person would also not be included in Section I).