alternative education to pupils out of school
What alternative education is available to children out of school?
The government has published Statutory Guidance called “Alternative Provision“. It includes:
education arranged by LA for pupils who because of exclusion, illness or other reasons would not otherwise receive a suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; pupils directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour.
The education should be the same amount as a child would receive in a maintained school and can be made up by two or more part-time provisions.
The education can take place in a Pupil Referral Unit or at another school.
The Guidance standard required:
Aim at good academic attainment on par with mainstream schools in key subjects (English, maths, science and IT with the appropriate qualifications);
identify and meet the specific personal, social and academic needs of pupils; aim to improve a pupil’s motivation and self-confidence, attendance and engagement with education; and have clearly defined objectives including future options of education, training or employment.